the Butterfly Wings project

Saturday, June 7, 2014

the Butterfly Wings project

Initiated in 2014 by first grade teacher Jennifer Davis and her 2013-2014 first grade Butterfly class at the Mason Early Childhood Center, the Butterfly Wings Project is a collaborative effort to change our World through recognizing, appreciating, and celebrating ourselves and others!

The Butterly Wings Project evolved from the class belief and motto that... 

 "We (me, you,... everyone in the World) 
are each a Butterfly (special, unique, important, changing, beautiful, and...)
but with just one wing (talents, knowledge, strengths, experiences, and... "gifts").
To fly (learn, feel, say, act, do, think, and be our best)
we only need to... 
embrace (encourage, inspire, compliment, support, motivate, show kindness, respect, and...) 
each other!"

The purpose of Butterfly Wings Project is to encourage and inspire respect, appreciation, and celebration of ourselves and others through kindness, empathy, and love!

The purpose of live is finding your gift.  
The meaning of life is sharing your gift with others.

Share YOUR wing... and "FLY"!

share YOUR wing... and FLY

The Butterfly Wings Project is a collaborative effort to create and inspire a World of respect, appreciation, and celebration of ourselves and others through kindness, empathy, and love!

We are each a Butterfly, but with just one wing.
To fly, we only need to... embrace each other!

The 2013-2014 First Grade Butterflies encourage YOU to share YOUR wing... and FLY!

Be inspired...
view videos created by the M.E.C.C. First Grade Butterflies through the link-

And then... inspire others!
-share with every "Butterfly" (person) you know
-email and request to be added as a "group member"
     ...after receiving your name and email- you will receive an invitation to join "The Butterfly Wings Project Blog" 
     ...accept the invitation and then create and share posts of how YOU shared your wing and/or how others have shared their wing with you